Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in joining our team of volunteers at ECCO. As part of volunteering, please fill out the below application, so we can learn more about you! Once submitted, a member of our team will be in touch. If you do not receive an email response within 5 business days, please contact us at volunteer@eccocharleston.org or by phone at (843) 416-7111 to be sure your application was received. Please check your spam folder, if you cannot find the application response.

*Please note, all individuals must be 18 years old or older to volunteer on days that ECCO is providing direct services to clients (Monday-Thursday). Also, all students under 16 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when volunteering at ECCO.



If you intend to volunteer with a minor, please provide their name(s) and age(s) in the textbox below. Please note we have limited volunteer opportunities for minors due to clientele privacy and cannot guarantee scheduling.

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact Name(Required)

Volunteer Interest

How often are you interested in volunteering at ECCO?(Required)
Please select your times of availability(Required)
Work/School Status(Required)
Please select your possible area(s) of interest(Required)

*Disclaimer - by submitting this application, you will be opted-in to ECCO's monthly Volunteer Newsletter. You may unsubscribe at any time.