We are driven every day to make an impact. When we see the smile from a grateful child or a “thank you” from a senior citizen in need of assistance paying for their prescriptions, we know we are making a difference. With 35 years of service under our belt, we take great pride in our work and are honored to share some of the many ways our team is making an impact within our community.
*Data is based on FY23-24
Philanthropic Support
- 1,303 Donors
- 2,799 Donations
Dedicated Volunteers
- 431 Active Volunteers Per Month
- 34,207 Hours of Volunteer Time
- A monetary value exceeding $1,266,185

Client Support
- Client Navigators completed 1,228 client assessments
- Including 406 assessments for new clients
- 2,890 people in the households ECCO served
Client Choice Wellness Pantry
- 741,639 lbs. of food was distributed
- $1,981,534 retail value of food distributed
- 965 households served
Clothing Closet
- 579 households served
- 4,034 total number of visits
- 87,599 items distributed
- $437,835 value of services

Medical Clinic
- 597 patient visits
- 385 services provided
- $244,458 value of medical services provided
Dental Clinic
- 575 patient visits
- 2,181 procedures provided
- $270,234 value of dental services provided

Financial Assistance
- 300 clients served
- Over $395,211 in assistance was provided
Asset Development Program (ADP)
- 8 active ADP program participants
- 5 program graduates meeting their savings goal for homeownership, small business development or post-secondary education
- $15,000 in ADP matches provided

Holiday Events
- 572 households provided with Thanksgiving meal supplies, including a turkey!
- 208 households with 458 children served in our Adopt-A-Family program