Food Assistance

Each week, East Cooper Community Outreach (ECCO) provides food for hundreds of families and individuals in our community. If you need food, we’re here to help. It’s really that simple. Food assistance is at the heart and soul of what ECCO provides to our neighbors in need. With support from our valued partners, we are able to help ensure no one in our community goes without food.
Wellness Pantry
ECCO’s Wellness Pantry follows the client choice model – allowing neighbors seeking food assistance to choose for themselves what products they receive. For the safety of our community, we’ve gone digital, allowing neighbors to shop for their monthly food order on their computer, tablet, or cell phone. For those without internet access, an ECCO representative can take orders over the phone. Our pantry consists of donations from churches, businesses, organizations, individuals, and retail partners like Costco, Harris Teeter, Publix, Walmart, Lowe’s Food, Aldi, and more.

Farmer’s Market
On the third Thursday of each month, ECCO holds a monthly Fresh & Free Farmer’s Market in partnership with the Lowcountry Food Bank. While ECCO’s main campus is under construction, our drive-thru Farmer’s Market will be held in the back parking lot of Home Depot, directly across the street from us. The Farmer’s Market provides local families with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and is open to anyone in the community!
- 9:00 am until Noon (OR until produce runs out)
- Distribution BEGINS at 9:00 am. All guests attempting to line up earlier will be directed to park in front of Home Depot to wait until 9 am. Thank you for your cooperation!
- Guests should enter the Home Depot parking lot using Six Mile Road. Please follow the direction of our traffic volunteers to ensure everyone’s safety.
Simply follow the signs and the flow of traffic to receive your free produce, which varies month-to-month based on seasonal availability and is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are an active ECCO client scheduled to pick up your food order on a Farmer’s Market day, you will not automatically receive this additional produce with your order. Please note you will need to visit the Farmer’s Market separately during the designated times to receive these items. Thanks for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you!
We are grateful for our partnership with Home Depot, which allows us to continue to offer Farmer’s Market during our renovation!
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Read full disclaimer and how to report issues.
Our Valued Partners
Want to find out how you can receive food?
ECCO follows the nondiscrimination policies and statements from the USDA. This information is provided based on guidance from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights. Read our nondiscrimination statement.